Friday, October 4, 2013

Saudi Arabian intelligence Dalangi Attacks Blamed Deadly Chemicals in Syria

Damascus - Russian diplomatic sources revealed that the chemical attack on the outskirts of Damascus , Syria last August , orchestrated by Saudi Arabia . Of Saudi Arabia's intelligence agency touted involved in the attacks that killed hundreds of people are.

" Based on data from a number of sources , the fraction of the picture began to put together , " said a Russian diplomatic source was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency and Press TV reported on Saturday ( 10/05/2013 ) .

“Provocation Gout crime in the black operation carried out by a team sent by the Saudis through Jordan and act with the help of the militant group Lisa al - Islam, “he added.

On Wednesday ( 2/10 ) local time , Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lvov said that there is strong evidence that a component of chemical weapons used by foreign-backed militants in Syria . Even chemical weapons were sent to Iraq to provocation.

" We read and hear reports from various sources , like the semi-official or reliable , that the official representatives of a number of countries around Syria continue to communicate and meet regularly with leaders of Jab hat al - Nurse and other terrorist groups , as well as radical groups that have some components of chemical weapons that might be found in Syria or may be taken from somewhere else , and not just in Syria alone , but also the components of chemical weapons being brought into Iraq and provocations being prepared there , "said Lvov .

On Aug. 21 , hundreds of people were reported killed by a lethal chemical in Gout , a suburb of Damascus . Western countries , including the United States accused the regime of President Basher al - Assad was behind this attack .

Repeatedly denied these allegations and he said that Assad militants who joined the rebel group backed by Syria which is also foreign, a party is behind the deadly attacks .

The deadly attack also sparked calls for the U.S. to plan a military attack on Syria, under the pretext of chemical weapons belonging crippling Assad regime . The U.S. plan is able to be stopped by the Russians about the bid submission and destruction of Syria's chemical weapons under international supervision. Until now , the process is still ongoing with the UN scrutiny .


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