Friday, January 3, 2014

14 Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris dan Abstrak nya bagian-2.

Artikel ini terdiri dari 2 bagian ya yaitu 14 Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris dan Abstrak nya bagian-1 dan 14 Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris dan Abstrak nya bagian-2.

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8. “Spoken Utterances in Javanese and Bahasa Batak” .
A Thesis :

The objective of this research is to describe the intonations of utterances in uttering Javanese and Batak in utters the words and sentences and also for the lecturer who teach the sociolinguistics. To increase their knowledge and also as the additional insight. The study investigates similarities and differences of intonation in two language, the data were obtained from the native speaker of the two language, their utterances were recorded., and analyzed. The finding show the both language have similarities and differences.

9. “English and Mandailing Demonstratives and pronoun” .
A Thesis :

The objective of this research is to describe demonstratives and pronoun in English and Mandailing, specially the objective of the study is to investigate similarities and differences of the two languages especially in using demonstratives and pronouns. The data were obtained from the text books that search in district library and UMSU library, and then the data put in whole of paper read it and then listen each other and then compare and analyzed. The finding shows both languages have similarities and differences demonstrative and pronoun such as the place and the and the variety such as Single third person (she, he ,it in English and ia in Mandailingnese).

10. “The Kindergarten Students’ Ability in Expressing Parts of the Human Body Based on Pictures”.
A Thesis :

The objective of this research is to find out the effect of using media picture to the kindergarten students’ ability in expressing part of Body, also for the teacher who teach the English especially vocabulary topic. To increase their vocabulary and also as the additional insight. The study investigates the effect of using media picture to the students’ ability in expressing part of human body, the data were obtained from the kindergarten student by using test, and analyzed. The population in this research was TK AL-MUTTAQIN Jl. Terompet No. 51 Titi Rantai Medan of the Academic Year 2005-2006, and the sample is Nol Besar class that consist of 35 students, In collecting data of research used test, there is essay test consisted of 10 items. The test was teacher made test that is two kinds of test. the conclusion shows that 47 students or 78.33% from the whole sample were able to expressing the part of human body based on the picture. Whereas 13 students or 21.66% from the whole sample data were unable to expressing part of human body based on the picture.

11. “The Correlation Between Parents’ Educational Background with Students’ Ability in Mastering English Vocabulary” .
A Thesis :

The objective of this research to investigate the Correlation Between Parents’ Educational Background with Students’ Ability in Mastering English Vocabulary, the sources of the data or the subjects were 60 students of SD Nurul Islam Indonesia at Megawati street no.20A all the population was taken as the samples. This research was use descriptive quantitative method. The data was obtained by administering the test. The data were then processed by applying t test. It is found that the hypothesis is accepted. This implicit that the student who has high parent educational background is better than low parent educational background

12. “Semiotic Analysis On The Students’ Speech Based On Gender” .
A Thesis :

The objective of this research to investigate semiotic analysis on the students’ speech based on gender, the sources of the data or the subjects were 40 students of MTs. Nurul Islam Indonesia at Megawati street no.20A selected randomly as the samples. The data was obtained by administering the test (speech test). The method in this research is descriptive quantitative the data were then processed by applying t test. It is found that the hypothesis is accepted. This implicit that the female student is better in speech than male.

13. “The Effects of Using Tape Recorder Technique on the Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary” .
A Thesis :

The objective of this research to investigate the effect of using tape recorder to the student achievement in learning vocabulary, the sources of the data or the sucjects were 40 students selected randomly as the samples. The data was obtained by administering the test. The data were then processed by applying t test. It is found that the hypothesis is accepted. This implicit that the use of tape recorder in teach vocabulary has significant effect on it

14. “The Effects of Using Media (Picture) to the Primary Students’ Achievement in Teaching vocabulary” .
A Thesis :

The objective of this research is to find out the effect of using media picture to the primary students’ achievement in teaching vocabulary also for the teacher who teach the english especially vocabulary topic. To increase their vocabulary and also as the additional insight. The study investigates the effect of using media picture to the students’ achievemet in teaching vocabulary, the data were obtained from the primary student by using test,and analyzed. The population in this research was SDN 026793 Jl. Teuku Amir Hamzah, Km. 27.5 kelurahan Jati Utomo, kecamatan Binjai Utara Kota Madya Binjai, and the sample is fourth level class that consist of 42 student, In collecting data of research used test, there is essay test consisted of 20 items. The test was teacher made test that is two kind of the test paper, first type is completing the sample sentence by using media picture and the second type is completing a simple sentence without picture. The finding student who teach vocabulary by using media picture is still not better that not using media picture

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