Friday, January 3, 2014

14 Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris dan Abstrak nya. Judul skripsi bahasa inggris terbaru plus abstrak.

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Langsung aja ya ini 14 Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris dan Abstrak nya

1. The Students’ Ability in Identifying Antonims in Scientific Texts.
Thesis :

This thesis was carried out to find out the students’ ability in Identifying Antonims In Scientific Texts. The population was 2006/2007 second year students social class of MA Negeri 3 Tanjung Balai, Jl. Datuk Bandar. Km. 4,5 Tanjung Balai, consisting of 78 students from two parallel classes. And all the population have taken as sample. The instrument of the research used is objective test. The test is the teacher-made test that is essay test focused on the identifying antonym in scientific text. The method of the research is descriptive quantitative method and library research.
The findings show that shows that students who are able is 41 students, and the students are unable are 37 students or 52.6% of students are able and 47.4% of students are unable in identifying antonyms in scientific text, but they still has a problem in term of in identifying antonyms in scientific text because they has problem in term of vocabulary.

2. Students’ Abilirty in Answering Oral Test Based on Gender.
Thesis :

The study attempted to investigate whether female students or male student is better in answering oral. The objectives of this study was to find out the students’ ability in answering oral test based on gender which was indicated by the students’ scores on the oral tests.
The population of this research was the 2006/2007 second year social class students of SMA Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe. There are six classes at the second year students. The population is 238 that consists of 129 female students and 109 male student Then, all the population be a sample which were taken 30% each gender:. They were divided into two groups : experimental group (female student) and control group (male Student).
The data were acquired by administrating objective test, which consisted of 10 items. The test was teacher-made test. This test was reliable, to be a test in measuring the oral test.
It was found out that there is a significant difference between the male students and female students in answering oral test. the result of the t-test formula is observed t value = 1.47 the degrees of freedom 70. the critical value from the table at alpha 0,05 is 2.0. base on this analysis, it was found that the value of observed t (to) is higher than the value of t from the table so that hypothesis is accepted. So, the result of this research is The female student is better in answering oral test than male student

3. “The Students’ Ability in Building Abstract Noun From Adjective Based on Affixation”.

This thesis was carried out to find out the The Students’ Ability in Building Abstract Noun From Adjective Based on Affixation
. The population was 2006/2007 second year of Natural Class students of SMA Negeri 1 Kutacane at academic year 2006-2007 Jl. Iskandar Muda No 25 Kutacane, consists of two classes. Those are IPA 1 consist of 30 students and IPA 2 consists of 32 students.
The instrument of the research used is objective test. The test is the teacher-made test that is multiple choice test that is ask the students to choose the best answer, that consist of Noun, adjective and affixation, and the researcher gave them the score. The method of the research is descriptive quantitative method and library research
The findings show that the Students’ ability in Building Abstract Noun From Adjective Based on Affixation are as follow : that 63% students are able and 37% students are unable are unable and average score is 68.38 and the difficulties in in Building Abstract Noun From Adjective Based on Affixation are some of the students who are unable still confuse about affixation that can be changed the word class, so they have a difficulties in building abstract noun from adjective based on affixation itself.

4. Students’ Ability in Identifying Independent Clauses and Dependent Clauses in Sentences

This thesis deals with students’ ability in learning English Grammar. This population of this research was the 2005/2006 were 30 in third class of IPA. Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Taman Pendidikan Islam. Jl. Sempurna No. 1 Sawit Seberang.
The data were collected by giving a set of test, multiple choice and essay test. This was done before and after the experimental group was taught five times with the communicative language teaching.
The result of the calculating of the score of all factors show that 36,6 % students in able category and 63.4 % other of the students are in unable category. It indicates the studentd’ ability still need to teach intensively by their teacher.
To hight the student’s ability in differentiating independent clause and dependent clause in sentences, school should supporting materials and appropriate facilities. For example: Appropriate the number of students, good materials and availability of professional teachers necessary because teaching grammar is needs a special skill.

A Thesis :

The objective of this research is to describe request sentences in English and Mandailing, especially The objective of the study is to investigate similarities and differences of the two languages especially in request sentence. The data were obtained from some text books that found in the District Library, and then the data put in whole of paper read it and then listen each other and then compare and analyzed. The finding show the both language have similarities and differences in noun and verb phrases, that is both of this language is able to use request sentence in different degree, such as from high status to low status, from low status to high status and from the same status. And if there is similarities absolutely there is dissimilarities, such as in Bataknese there usually use the second title in family or politeness status for the sama status in adult or old man to old man, because it is less polite if they call the name.

6. The Comparison of Effectiveness Between Communicative Method and Grammar-Translaion Method on Teaching Genetive Case to The Students’ .
Thesis, Medan :

This thesis deals with students’ in learning English Grammar. This population of this research was the 2002 / 2003 were 202 and the sample in five classes. MTs Negeri Binjai in two group : experimental group was taken randomly as the sample. The group consists 50 students.
The data were collected by giving a set of test, multiple choice. This was done before and after the experimental group was taught five times with the communicative language teaching.
The result of the calculating of the score of all factors show that 25 % students have high level, 67,6 % of the students are in the middle level and only 3,3 % of them has low level of English. It indicates the comparison communicative method and grammar-translation method.
Therefore the writer conclude that he comparison communicative method and gramma-translation method the third grade of MTs ( Madrasah Tsanawiyah ) school students. Becausof these following reasons :
The Students know the varieties of Genetive Case in Grammar Translation Mehod.
All the students compare the grammar translation and Genetive case.
3. The Instument of research collect the data.
To carry out the teaching and learning using this technique, school should supporting materials and appropriate facilities. For example : Appropriate the number of students, story materials and availability of professional teachers necessary because story telling needs a special skill.

7. “Noun and Verb Phrases in English and Malay” .
A Thesis :

The objective of this research is to describe noun and verb phrases in English and Malay, specially the objective of the study is to investigate similarities and difference of the two languages especially in verb and noun phrases, the data were obtained from the text book that search in district library, and then the data put in whole of paper read it and then listen each other and then compare and analyzed. The finding show the both language have similarities and differences in noun and verb phrases.

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